BlastMat™ Arc Suppression Blankets

More than 2,000 workers are injured annually in arc-flash incidents in industrial settings. Therm-Equip™ has perfected the recipe for manufacturing the strongest, lightest and easiest-to-use arc suppression blankets available today, the BlastMat™. BlastMat blankets are engineered to protect these workers from the three most dangerous elements of any industrial-arc accident – the extreme heat, the pressure wave, and the lingering burning from materials exposed to the blast.

BlastMat blankets are engineered to properly channel energy from an arc flash/blast to effectively protect workers. Our BlastMat arc suppression blankets are tested to the ASTM F2676 standardsIn oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants and other high-temperature industrial environments, Therm-Equip products have performed flawlessly for over three decades. Our blankets have never experienced a failure in the field.

In fact, our products are over-engineered, on purpose. Industrial research & development processes and innovative, science-based thinking back our high-temperature hazmat safety products. Since lives are often on the line where our products are used, we continuously seek improvements to our products to ensure Therm-Equip offers the best high-temperature hazmat safety products on the market.

Proper attachment of the Therm-Equip BlastMat blankets is critical, as illustrated in the article Arc Suppression Blanket Installation (Sept/Oct 2009) by Therm-Equip technical director Vic Petrovic, PhD, in Incident Prevention magazine. In another article, Ultimate Protection (Sept/Oct 2006) in Incident Prevention, Petrovic explains the ultimate protection provided by arc suppression blankets.

Therm-Equip manufactures the BlastMat blanket in two configurations: a light-line style blanket of four layers that are used in 15KA and 25KA applications and a standard blanket of seven layers that is used in a 40KA application.

To learn more about how you can put the strongest, lightest, and easiest-to-use arc suppression blanket to work in your industrial environment, call 330-484-5384 or contact our support team today.

BlastMat Full-Length Test Video


25KA BlastMat™ Blanket        40KA BlastMat™ Blanket